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Add Monitoring Data

When adding a new monitoring datum to the system (using the REST API POST-monitoring-data), a number of triples are inserted in the datastore.

Let's assume that the element exposes:

  • a timestamp, e.g. 1425399022110, corresponding to the date Tue, 03 Mar 2015 17:10:22 GMT+1:00,
  • an unique id, e.g. b499a3d3-248a-4bbe-859c-e345d47ed479.

A graph with the name associated to the hour in which the timestamp is contained (e.g. http://www.modaclouds.eu/historydb/monitoring-data/1425398400000 for the example above, where 1425398400000 corresponds to the date Tue, 03 Mar 2015 17:00:00 GMT+1:00) is created or used if it already exists. The triples added have all the same subject, the unique id (that here is written as <mo:id>, so e.g. <mo:b499a3d3-248a-4bbe-859c-e345d47ed479>), and the predicates and objects couples added are:

  • metric and the actual metric name,
  • timestamp, and the timestamp,
  • resourceId, and the resource ID,
  • value, and the actual value of the metric for the resource with the given ID.

All the predicates have the http://www.modaclouds.eu/rdfs/1.0/monitoringdata# prefix (so e.g. for value we'll have http://www.modaclouds.eu/rdfs/1.0/monitoringdata#value).

Lastly, in the default graph, one tuple is added, with:

  • the subject that is the URI of the graph (e.g. http://www.modaclouds.eu/historydb/monitoring-data/1425398400000),
  • the predicate is the constant mo:timestamp, and
  • the object is the hour in which the timestamp is contained (e.g. 1425398400000 for the example above, where 1425398400000 corresponds to the date Tue, 03 Mar 2015 17:00:00 GMT+1:00).

 Examples of Query

Here are some examples of SPARQL query:

  • find all the monitoring data inserted:
    ?s <mo:timestamp> ?o
    FILTER (regex(str(?s), "monitoring"))
  • find all the monitoring data inserted in a specific hourly timestamp:
    ?s <mo:timestamp> ?o 
    FILTER (?o = 1425574800000 && regex(str(?s), "monitoring"))
  • find all the monitoring data inserted in a range of hourly timestamps:
    ?s <mo:timestamp> ?o
    FILTER (?o >= 1425574600000 && ?o <= 1425574900000 && regex(str(?s), "monitoring"))
  • find all the metrics registered:
    GRAPH ?g { ?s <http://www.modaclouds.eu/rdfs/1.0/monitoringdata#metric> ?o }
  • find all the graphs and subjects for a specific metric (e.g. FrontendCPUUtilization):
SELECT ?g ?s
    GRAPH ?g { ?s <http://www.modaclouds.eu/rdfs/1.0/monitoringdata#metric> "FrontendCPUUtilization" }
  • find all data for a specific metric (e.g. FrontendCPUUtilization):
SELECT ?g ?s ?p ?o
    GRAPH ?g { ?s ?p ?o }
    GRAPH ?g { ?s <http://www.modaclouds.eu/rdfs/1.0/monitoringdata#metric> "FrontendCPUUtilization" }